It is constructed using 2N2369 silicon transistors and high-spec new components, including JB capacitors, Lumburg jacks, and Alpha potentiometers. For true bypass, I employ the GORVA 3PDT - known as the Ferrari of 3PDT switches, featuring a soft click (1.0±0.3kg) for a satisfying tactile response and superb reliability.
The entire circuit is meticulously assembled with 'Point to Point' wiring, utilizing components exclusively, ensuring there are no boards or circuit traces to compromise your signal purity. It is covered with tuscan leather sourced from La Perla Lazura tannery. I meticulously finish the entire pedal to a standard that I believe looks as impressive inside as it sounds on the outside.
Note: Currently, I ship only to the EU. You could contact me if you need another country to be listed.